Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Weekend Recap

Scenes from last weekend-

OK, so this is from 2 weekends ago, but I was in my good friend's Indian wedding and seriously how gorgeous are the dresses (saris) we wore?! I was also super proud of myself because I did my hair and makeup all by myself! 

A friend and I with our summer gold Sperry's- I'm wearing these Sperry Top Siders (Angelfish in rose gold)

Hair for football Sunday- french braid up the back and sock bun- thanks Pinterest!

Gray and silver mani- Zoya "Dove" and OPI "Silver Shatter"

Bloody Marys with Cucumber vodka- wecome back football Sundays!

Hope all of you had a lovely weekend!
xo, Ann


  1. Love your nail polish...cute cute!



  2. I love that hairstyle. I'm gonna give it a go but not sure my fingers are nimble enough!!!
