Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thursday (2 Days Late!) Inspire Me Healthy Linkup

So.. I know that this is 2 days late but I was too excited to start to wait for next week! 

Linking up at Kristen's for Thursday Inspire Me Healthy (On Saturday- oops!)

So, although I have not been blogging it, I have completed the first 2 weeks of Jamie Eason's Live Fit program. When I say "completed" I mean I've done the lifting but totally fallen off the wagon as far as eating goes. The first 2 weeks of phase 1 are for preparing your muscles for heavy lifting according to Jamie and I'm planning on going harder these next couple weeks and trying to get my eating in check. 

The entire program is 12 weeks long and focuses on lifting with some cardio added in later on along with clean eating. It's completely free and details pretty much everything for you- so easy to follow. And seriously, look at her-

Who DOESN'T want to look like that? So, that's my plan. To complete these 12 weeks the best I can and I'll update you guys every Thursday on my progress. I'm taking before and after pics and will post them after I start seeing some results :) Anyone with me? Excited for what lies ahead!

xo, Ann

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